The Knit city of Tirupur organised the 46th India International Knit Fair 2019 from 15-17 May 2019 at IKFA Complex, Tirupur.
BAA members attended the fair for the first time and the organizers were very keen to invite BAA members to the fair so that they can get good business and sourcing through BAA members.
The show was not too big but some exhibitors had great collection this year and our members had good b2b meetings with these exhibitors. The booths were nicely set up.
Total 12 BAA members attended the show in high spirit and found some new vendors at the same time.
BAA also suggested the organizers to expand the show to ensure that good business opportunities can be worked out.
As reported by Trade Fair Committee Michael Vinod/Sanjeev Jain
Anchal Kansal
General Secretary
Buying Agents Association