Date: 26-28th Feburary, 2018
Location: Kolkata

The Buying Agents Association was invited to visit the leather fair at Kolkata organised by the Indian Leather Products Association. The ILPA hosted the BAA delegation and gave a good reception. Mr. Sanjiv Jain from TQM Buying Services, Ms. Preeti Gandhi from Indsource International, Mr. Vishaal Naraiin Sinha from Wonkiitusk and Mr. Sumit Chhabra from Creative Concepts India, represented BAA at the fair.

The fair was held at the newly inaugurated Biswa Bangla Convention Center, which is an impressive property. The leather fair was small with few suppliers split into three halls – one each for leather making machinery, accessories and leather exporters, with approximately 15 – 20 exhibitors each. The primary interaction of the BAA was with the leather exporters, as the exhibitors of leather machinery and accessories held little interest for the delegation. The delegates engaged with the exhibitors and offered to work alongside the exporters to promote trade. The ILPA organised a fashion show for all attendees, exhibitors and other people associated with the show.

Ms. Arpita Paul, Executive Director of ILPA and Mr. Arup Gupta extended warm hospitality to the delegation. The time spent by the BAA delegates at the show and their interaction with the exhibitors was much appreciated by the organisers.

The ILPA assured the delegates that the future versions of the Show would be much larger in scope. The dates for next year have already been finalized, 26 – 28 Feb 2019, so buying agents can plan their schedules early. From the next edition onwards, ILPA intends to organise visits to manufacturing clusters, skilling centres and other activity areas of the ILPA.

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